« This was an ideal meeting, mainly composed of Fantasies, shorter works in keeping with the unusual time (11.30 a.m.) of this concert scheduled on the nation’s day. These rich and dense works were magnified by a pianist who shows utter respect for the spirit of the composer. » (L’Alsace, 15.07.2014)
« With remarkable gusto and a huge commitment, he conveys the impression of inventing the music on the spur of the moment. » (Ouest-France, 26.11.2012)
« His interpretation stands out by its exquisite taste, its discretion, but also by the precision of its attacks, not to mention the brightness of sound. This German recital is a model of its kind. »
« Georges Bériachvili relishes lines and right angles, abrupt ridges, articulations that carefully detail the parts, slow enunciations, to the point of almost spelling out, as sometimes in the bass lines of Alberti. There is a touch of a Glenn Gould who would not be too keen on walking by the beat of the metronome. This is very personal. It is worth noting, since the taste of the day seems to be for a culture of the impersonal, of an Ikea style of globalization. »(musicologie.org)
Biography and interviews with Agnès Jourdain on pianobleu.com :
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